Nobody really has the exact figures of the number of computers and networks that make up the worldwide Net (shortcut term for the Internet).The Internet does not refer to a single network but a combination of various private networks that are joined at certain exchange points throughout the world. Some say that there are more than 30,000 networks linking about 10 million computers that are being used by millions of people based in various countries. The marvelous feature of the internet is that nobody really controls it; nobody really owns it; and nobody can, at a click, turn the Internet off. No wonder the internet is making a million things possible that were not even conceive in earlier technologies. All because the Internet has the awesome capability to connect practically every person and it was nice to find out about the Blogosphere.
Basically, blogs gives you an easy way to share all kinds of digital content, including photos, blogs, video, music and more, all in one convenient place. Your own personal website. With blogs, you can share with everyone in your “social network” and also be alerted whenever they have something new.
Nowadays there’s a lot of social networking and lifestyle portal for connecting with all kinds of people. Name it and for sure you can find it.
What makes blogs interesting is that you can sense the sincerity of the onliner to share: be it a personal tidbit, or his opinion on a bit of news. When I started joining blogging, I learned that you have to maintain a sense of diplomacy in your post, and that I am part of a global community after all, and being considerate of others will make more fun.Although the Internet can be a scary place indeed, and putting up a blog is one of the ways to open up ourselves to the rest of the online community. But how much of yourself you would like to share is really up to you. You have control over that, nobody else. We interact with people everyday and the blogging is simply an extension of this interaction.
Strike a balance whenever you go online. Keep your feet firmly planted in real life by dealing with people in person. Go out and experience things. Don’t get too caught up in the internet world.
The internet and social networking can be a very positive thing if used properly. It can even be a venue for like – minded individuals get together to promote positive changes in society.
Be a good online citizen and have fun!
This is the coldest February in my entire existence.
I made a list of my Top 20 favorites blogs that worth to visit(in no particular order)Take a look of the following:
2.Ms. Noemi
4.Ms.Jessica Zafra's Twisted
5.Mr. Single Guy
8.Ms. Chistine
9.Ms. Shari
11.Ms. Chuvaness
16.Ms. Camille
17.Mr.Luis - kahit 6 years na tinapos HRM crush ko talaga sobraaa...
18.Ms. Sienna
20.Ms. Hogi- ang pinaka pretty na moderator. That's all for now gtg!!!!
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